
OERhub as a search engine

The OERhub.at is a search engine for open educational resources (OER) from the Austrian higher education sector. The OER repositories of the University of Vienna, University of Graz, University of Innsbruck, Graz University of Technology as well as the Austrian MOOC platform iMooX and the archive system of the DigiFit4All project are currently connected to the OERhub.

The prototype for this search engine was developed as part of the "Open Education Austria" project (2016-2018), which is constantly being further developed in the context of the "Open Education Austria Advanced" project (2020-2024) at the University of Vienna.

You can find more information about the project context here: www.openeducation.at/en/

Towards the end of the project, all developments related to the OERhub will also be made freely available as open source products.